Welcome!My name is Candace / Paanqake!I am an artist and designer based out of Columbia, MO.

All photos, artwork, and website design are created and owned me (@Paanqake) unless stated otherwise.

Chibi gif of Paanqake with puppy dog ears, a peace sign, and a blep with some animated sparkles.
Paanqake logo, pronounce pancake. Pink and purple colors with gold sparkles and a green plant sprout coming out of the k.

Paanqake has had a passion for both art and creating most of her life.Paanqake received her BFA in Painting in 2017, and still loves to create art of a wide variety of subjects. While digital art and graphic design are her specialty, she also has recently fallen in love with acrylic painting.Paanqake loves her pug Humphrey, gaming, caring for her plants, and pole fitness.

Take a look at my Ko-Fi for a glimpse at my portfolio!

Kofi link to Paanqake's portfolio.

You can reach me here!


Discord Banner for the Breakfast Bunch Discord. it contains the Discord logo and a drawing of a stack of pancakes with a face. There is an animated click mouse.

I can also be reached via Discord!Click above to join the Breakfast Bunch!

Commissions and their TOS logo with the Paanqake (pancake) symbol

All kindness is greatly appreciated!

A cartoon log with a frog and mushrooms on it, with a sign nailed to it labeled 'DONO'

Etsy Shop Button

I create both digital goods and physical items!Thank you for supporting small businesses and artists!